Andersons Midlands LLP privacy notice for clients

How we handle your personal information and what to do should you have any concerns

Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all personal data, sensitive personal data and client data collected and processed by Andersons Midlands LLP in the conduct of its business, in electronic format in any medium and within paper filing systems.

Andersons Midlands LLP recognises & undertakes to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at all times.

How and why we process personal data

Personal data will be collected and processed only to the extent that it is needed to fulfil business needs or legal requirements. We will not collect excessive information, which is not relevant to the purpose for which the information is being collected.

Legal basis for processing data

All processing of personal & business information for the purposes of running our operations is done so on the basis of contractual necessity and as outlined in our terms & conditions of business.

Where personal information relates to business contacts or potential customers, processing is on the basis of legitimate interest. We do take into consideration the balance between our interests and yours.

Data sharing

Personal & business data in any format will not be shared with a third party organisation without a valid business reason, or without your consent.

Retention of data

Your data will be held for the duration of your contract with us, or longer where we have a legitimate reason or legal obligation to do so.

Right of access

You have a right, to access your own personal data. Your personal information will not be disclosed until your identity has been verified.

Right to deletion or removal

You have the right to request the deletion or removal of your personal data, where there is no overriding reason for us to continue processing.

Right to restrict use of your personal data

You have the right to suppress the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. This means that we could hold your data, but would be unable to use it for any purpose such as benchmarking or similar. Where any benchmarking or research activity is undertaken we will ensure that it is used only to ascertain overall industry trends and cannot be identified to any particular business or client.

Right to data portability

This is the right to transfer your personal data, in a commonly used electronic format, with third parties as authorised by you.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your information on the basis of legitimate interest, unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for us to continue.


Should you require any further information in respect of the Andersons Midlands LLP privacy policy, please contact:

Mike Houghton
Andersons Midlands LLP
5 Court Farm Yard,
Lower Woodford,

Telephone: 01722 782 800




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Andersons Midlands, Leicester Office, Michaelmas, Peckleton , Leicestershire , LE9 7RE

01455 823 425